Natural Wonders

Nature is everywhere. There are many wonderful things that are unbeilable. Something I really think that is really amazing are the natural wonders. By that I mean the natural wonders. You might have heard of the 7 wonders. Some of them are really a mystery on how it was formed. The 7 natural wonders is an organization to promote the beautiful places that are formed naturally to people.

The 7 wonders are Mount. Everest, Great Barrier Reef, Paricutin Volcano, Aurora Borealis, Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, Harbour of Rio de Janeiro. These places are considered to be the best in terms of nature. You might be wondering how are they different from all the other places; well these 7 places are not man-made and happen rarely. Let's look at some of the wonders them and see what's so special.

First is mount. Everest, this mountain is the highest in the world. Many people have set world records for climbing till the top. Towards the tip of the mountain the oxygen level gets very low. Next, is Grand Canyon, this place is very dry. There are a lot of red rocks. Then there is Victoria Falls; This place is home to many plants and animals. It is very big. Finally, there is the Aurora Borealis; This is a wonder that happens in the sky. There are many pretty colors like green, blue, aqua, and ect. It is a cool effect that is formed in the sky.

As you can see there is many amazing things that are in the world that you might have not know about. Nature can make amazing places. None of the 7 natural wonders are man-made. I would really like to visit each and every place one day.

Grade 7C
Orchids International School Vivekananda


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