A Cold Lake Incident


"Even though I knew it was cold, I jumped into the freezing waters of the lake"...…..well how did I get myself into this situation,...…?? It's actually a long story. Me and my friends decided to go camping in the nearest camping forest. We were pretty excited for the trip. We had planned to stay for 2 days, and set up tents and everything. We'd taken sleeping bags, loads of snacks and a barbeque stand, because what's camping without BBQ right? We were all pretty excited about the trip, but the only thing we were afraid of, was the cold weather. Even though we had packed sweaters and jackets we were sure of feeling cold in the night. Well, that concern was legit, because it was freezing in the night and the cold breeze was chattering our teeth.
We set up a fire with some logs, sticks and some newspaper which we had taken along with us. The logs and stick finding was a whole level of fun, but back to the beginning...….when I said I jumped into the freezing lake,, well we hadn't yet set up out tents, and in all the fun and running around of setting up the tents, the food bag landed in the lake. You might be thinking how it landed in the lake...…well, my friend Aditi, who was carrying the bag, accidentally tripped on a stone and the bag was sent flying in the air and right into the lake a few meters away from the bank. I know it sounds a little funny and unrealistic but, that's what happened anyway. The main problem then was how to get the bag out of the lake as soon as possible and while we were debating on how to do that, the bag was drifting further away from us.
So, after a few minutes of contemplating, we decided that me and another one of my friend, Mythri, were to go into the lake and fetch the bag out as soon as possible because if the weather outside was freezing then obviously the lake would be unbearable. Without giving it a second thought I just removed my jacket and shoes and waddled into the pool. First thing was, I don't like the weeds present in the bottom of the lakes and second, the water, as expected, was extremely cold. But my greatest (and probably funny to most of you) fear was the fishes present in the lake. For some strange reason I'm scared of the fishes. And naturally walking among them was dreadful. My friend joined me a minute later and we started searching for the bag with battery torches in out hands. Chills were running in the back of my spine, and I couldn't tell if it was he fishes or the cold water. Finally after a few minutes my friend fount the bag and we were so thankful for getting out of that cold water. The others finished setting up the tents and we changed into dry clothes quickly. Thankfully neither of us caught a cold, which we thought for sure would happen. We enjoyed the rest of the picnic by doing things like finding forest berries, mushroom, making smores and similar other things that didn't involve the cold water. We returned home the next evening, recalling all the fun things we did in the trip. So this was my story of jumping in cold water, thought it was not entirely jumping inside it headfirst.


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