Broody-My First Pet 🐶

 Hello everyone, again I am back with a blog. Do you all love pets I do love them. Today I am gonna write a blog on my first pet.

When I was 12 years old I got my first pet "Broody". Broody was a dog, a German Shephard. It was very small at that time and was only about the age of two or three months. He was the cutest puppy I have ever seen and I felt an instant connection with him. I felt very happy because I got a new friend to play with me.

I used to play with Broody all day long, and it was a wonderful experience for me. While Broody and I used to play all day long and I got his full attention on me, I also had given his full responsibility I had to take him for a walk everyday. I had to give him bath and showers every week. I had to teach him all the manners and all these activities gave me a sense of responsibility and helped me becoming a better person, who can take care of the responsibilities that he is given.

I love Broody so much and when he passed away, I was the one, who was most upset. It broke me emotionally, I had lost a friend. It changed me as person. But through his presence in my life, he also gave me a perspective for life. That this is destiny and we cannot change it. Everybody has to go one day or another, and we have to learn to live a life without them. We should not be upset that it got over, but we should be happy, that it happened.
Hope it was interesting!!



grade 8C

Orchids International School Vivekananda


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