The Beggar


Author : KARTHIK S RAO 9 B

Beggars are the people who restore to begging for alms from other people. Beggars can be seen at various places. But the main areas of their operations are the places of pilgrimage and worship. They squat on the banks of the rivers, in front of temples, churches, mosques, gurudwaras, and other places of hectic activities. They roam from street to street, from one locality to another begging for alms. Though they usually accept whatever is given to them, some beggars can get very irritating and aggressive.

Near my house lives a beggar who everyday goes to Kodigehalli Gate for begging alms in early morning. Some people give alms in order to ward them off and not due to pity. There with him are many young beggars and healthy who do not deserve charity at all. There are deserved ones with him who are crippled, deaf, dumb, blind or handicapped. Some beggars are associated with the art of singing religious songs and have a melodious voice to attract the passers by. The beggar near my house also belongs to the same category. During the afternoon he goes to all houses for begging for food. From the morning till the afternoon he lives in hunger, if he get nothing from the houses he buys something from the money saved by him. He not only eats alone and also gives food to some children who are left with hunger. He also donates in his small amount which he has. By evening from Kodigehalli Gate comes to Ganesh Temple which nearly amounts to 2 to 3km. There in Ganesh temple all come during the evening, he gets good business. Some scold him instead of begging work hard, you will get more than you are expecting, but he ignores and tells them will you give me job, all are not accepting me to work, what problem you have in me begging, they all go silently.

By night he comes to his hut and haves the little food which he had in the afternoon and sleeps happily. This life of this beggar has no responsibility, tensions nothing. My perspective on him is that what he donates in his small amount is a fantabulous job. But instead of begging he should try for a small job rather than begging alms.


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