The Intelligent Student


In olden days, Varanasi was one of the best centers of
learning in India. Many students used to come here from
different parts of the world.
One of the teachers teachers named Nagaraj had a daughter.
Her name was Sadgunvati. Like her name, she was not only beautiful
but also very talented. Nagaraj was looking for a suitable husband
for her daughter.
He preferred an intelligent student among his students as his son-in-law.
To judge the intelligence of his students, one day, he asked
them, “Dear students, for my daughter's marriage I want to
have special costumes and jewellery. I don't have enough
resources to get them. Can you do this job for me?"

However, he warned them, “If anyone of you steal and bring
these things, then nobody should see you stealing."
The students listened to their teacher to their very carefully. The
next day, each of them started bringing the things secretly and
Handed them over to their teacher. But one of his students,
Gunasheela didn't bring any article.
so the teacher questioned him “Gunasheela why didn't you bring anything?"
“Sir I could have bought but my mind stopped from stealing
So I could not bring". The teacher smiled and said, “Well done! Gunasheela".

I was searching for a intelligent student like you. After
this Sadhgunvati was happily married to the intelligent

Moral: All of you must understand that stealing for a
good purpose is also wrong

Thankyou for reading my story

Grade:4 Sec: F


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