My visit to dentist

 Oral hygiene is very important. Dentist help us to take care of our teeth. We should visit a dentist regularly. I am not scared to visit my dentist. If we have a toothache we should immediately see a dentist. Dentist will do a check up and take a x-ray if required. Dentist chair is like an easy chair.It is well equipped with a bright light and a tray for tools required by dentist.Injection looks scary but my doctor gives it gently. I am not scared of injections. I also get a candy.Some kids cry to sit on the dentist chair and get a checkup. We should not be scared. If any cavities are there dentist will fill them.Its better not to eat too many sweets.we should brush our teeth twice a day.Flossing is also important.I will take care of my teeth by brushing properly and flossing.

Oral hygiene is important.
By Karuna Kiran Kumar
Grade 5A
Orchids International School Vivekananda


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