Success Is Gained By Hard Work And Not On Luck

Author : UDIT H 9 B

Success depends on perseverance and not on opportunity or luck. Success depends on hard work put by a person and not on his luck. He may gain success but it may be once or twice. He might not gain success throughout his life. His luck may support him once or twice but not throughout his lifetime.

Success is gained by hard work. Success in human life is an ambiguous term. It is true that often a man of character fails to success. Hard work will be the first step towards success. The man tries his level best by hard working to gain success. Failure is the second step to success. A man learns his mistakes by failing and he will try not to repeat it again. Hence, failure is termed as second step to success. The hard work put up by a man will give success on or the other day in his life.

Here is an example which proves success depends on perseverance and not on luck. Kamal was a poor boy living in a small village in the State of Tamil Nadu near the capital Chennai. He was the last scoring boy in his entire school because he never used to study and depend on his luck. His luck would favorhim once but not every time. He used to boost around his friends about his luck but his luck never favored him. His friends and teachers never expected more from him. He was an honest boy and never copied during the exams. There was a competition in his school where the winners would be awarded with a trip to New York. Kamal was interested to participate in the competition. His friends and teachers were shocked seeing him participate. There were only two contestants in that competition, Kamal and his friend Madhav. Kamal had a dream to win that competition and was working hard to win it. On the other hand, Madhav was an intelligent student who did not worked hard for that competition. He was confident and depended on his luck. On the exam day, Kamal paced through the exam while Madhav was nervous. It was clear stance that Kamal won that competition.

This incident clearly proves that Success depends on hard work and not on luck. Some people might be confident about their luck but their luck never pays off in a long run. Your hard work will never go in vain. It may not deliver success in a short period but it will pay you a great success in a long period.


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