4C - Iron Man


Hello friends my name is Dhyan . I am going to write about "iron man .

One day there was a man called Toni Stark . He was was the strongest hero. He wanted to kill all the bad guys at once . So, he made his iron suit . The doctor made a hole in his chest. they placed a battery in his body , they connected an arkreactor . {after a few days} He wore his suit . Al the bad guys shooted him. He said "Now my turn. da da da da da da da da da da da da." {shooting} .
He flew . he tried to land at the beach it all broke . SO, the soldiers took him to the head quarters . He made mark 2 . it was heavy. He was testing . when he was landing, the roof broke and he fell on a car . the next testing was a success . He flew everywhere . When he made mark 3
a bad guy wore his mark 1 . they had a war . Iron man blated him.

Thank you.

No.Of.Words -- 206


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