Thomas Edison

 Do you know about Thomas Edison? Well I'm sure most of us have heard about him. He is one of the famous inventors of our history as he invented light bulbs. We all know the importance of light as we use it every day and it exists because of this great mind behind the discovery. Thomas Alva Edison is a scientist who came up with an invention in modern age of electricity. We might have come across our history that people had repercussions without light and how it is a life saving invention. During his early age, he suffered from deafness and wasn't into schooling. He was born on 11th February,1847.Not only an electric light bulb but also many devices were invented by him.

Even though he left school quite early, he still had a keen interest in science and mechanism. By his ideas he was able to reach out and help the world with the inventions. As he created the first light bulb, he slowly started his own company with new electric devises. From bulbs to phonographs and other inventions he became a well known person in America. His key inventions were automatic telegraph, carbon telephone transmitter , movie cameras, alkaline storage batteries and many more. Now, these inventions are updated and developed in varies ways. His inventions brought a massive change to the world. These electric devices are still used in upgraded forms and show how the time changes our present. Great minds like him indeed come up with something life changing.

Thomas Edison as kid,  had a curious mind and taught himself by reading on his own. He is an inspiring example ad he proved that without complete education, we can still reach our goal with determination and focus in life. As he gained attention and money through his inventions, he donated those money to other inventors to support them from his side. Taking this in mind we can deduce about him that learning slowly and learning what we want brings a huge change in future to many. Thomas Edison will remain as one of the greatest inventors and an inspiring icon in our history.


Mohitha B

Grade 8C

Orchids International School Vivekananda


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