Hello there welcome my another blog and the topic is - The alien war ! This is very intresting so are you ready for ultimate war ! so lets start !

One day i woke i saw the floor shaking and i fell down . I went outside also the road was shaking i thought a tsunami was coming !. So i looked up saw an alien
they landed and made world dark it was very terrifying but i was brave. The aliens took there lazer and started destroying and said " So long suckers", and i was
very upset and all pepole were scared and terrified after few day aliens ruled the whole earth ! I tried to make make invention but it failed so i did not any plan in mind
but still i said to myself do no give up it is not too late then i started inventing something to destroy the aliens that who are ruining our nature so i made a lazer but first attempt failed
but fail means to me is First attempt in learnig i tried 99 times and the came to a sucess it was called as the ultimate lazer sword !. I went alien kingdom and took out my lazer and
i destroyed the castle down there was a very hot red lava that burn me i saw the alien king and push me too the when the king pushe i did a ninja flip and took out lazer and deafeted the alien king pushed
him to the lava then all the aliens came and started the ultimate war i was alone but i knew that god is helping to try so i fought the aliens and the were gone . Everyone cheered and lived with freedom.

So friends always try and try until you sucess .

So it is time to say bye I will in my next blog have great day and Stay safe Bye Bye

By -



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