4F - Ambitions



My ambition is to become Engineering and to buy new house for my parents. Everyone has ambition. It may change anytime anywhere.

Everyone have different ambition in life some want to be a dancer some singer. Everyone's ambition will not be success. There are so many success quotes of ambitions. So many people ambition are succeeded for ex-Sudha murthy, Dr B R Ambedkar,Swami vivekananda. My one more ambition is to travel all around the world. "The starting point of all achievement is desire".Ambition is so powerfull a passion that however high we reach we are never satisfied and this very dissatisfaction if moulded and proportioned in a proper way, enables the pursuer to attain new heights and to have love and respect from his fellow beings.

Role models make us more inspiring and take us near the ambition. At last we came to an ending of my blog. Thank you!

your lovingly Shraddha
No.Of.Words -- 177


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