Compare and contrasts triantiwontigongolope

 Triantiwontigongolope is neither like spider nor fly,
I will keep it a very good tile .
Its face is funny ,
but it is not like a bunny .
And run away from strang scolds ,
and look a bit bold .
It loves weeds and wattle gum,
But never eats bubble gum .

It is just a little poem , describing Triantiwontigongolope.
Its name is quite a hard one but you will learn it soon . if you see that first time you will feel scared but the next time it's not be there. It Different creature in the whole world. It purse and purse quite proudly if you call it by its name and offer at some sandwich and soap truthfully even I have not seen it but I wish that I can have a pet like that it will only be where purple leaves and trees and sky is bottle green it is just animated story.

But it is a interesting creature I wish you would like this Ta  ta bye bye

Grade 5D
Orchids the International school Vivekananda


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