If I Had A Magic Wand Author : PAAVNI K

 Topic - If I Had a Magic Wand

Hello everyone I'm Paavni K Today I'm Going to Write a Blog on If I Had a Magic Wand Let's Start

First, I need to decide if having a magic wand that works is a blessing or a curse.

‘If I had a magic wand, I’d change the way the world sees people with disabilities.’

‘ I would change bad houses into beautiful houses. I would give poor people money to buy new homes.’

‘I would help people have access to clean water because many people who drink that contaminated water can get sick and have many diseases and sometimes, they can’t get to a doctor.
I Will Stop Coronavirus And destroy it forever .
I would like more libraries that are accessible for everyone so that we can all learn more about the real world. I'll use my magic wand again so that there will be more public schools for people who can't afford private school. A lot of people who have money problems rely on public schools for their children's education. With libraries and schools, everybody will then have the right to education.’

I Would Use My Magic To bring all the instinct animals back and keep them from harming anyone . I would make Some Fantasies Real . With My Magic Wand I will Make Poor people Rich and make everyone who takes the lottery into the winner's of the lottery .

I will vanish all the pollution in the world and help scientist's to make advanced Technology or Invent something of my own .

I will destroy Greediness and make people kind I will delete The Expression's Angry , greedy and Disgusted

I will merge all the continents and name the whole thing called parraw glide , I will tell Everyone to grow a tree or plant everyday and take good care of them .

I will ban all the cutting of trees And make furniture and the natural things by my wand and only 10 trees can be be cut Every year per continent for their urget needs and I will put a protective barrier for the Earth to never get any Negative thoughts and make mermaid's , Fairie's and dragon's real .

I will Give Everyone the ability to Wish 3 wishes which will come true .Everyone will live happy, And I will see the society develop In front of my Eye's .

I will make a city called magician where you go to learn magic I will teach one person all the magic spells and conjure a magic wand with my magic wand and I
will tell that person how to make a magic wand out of a magic wand so that the person can make magic wand's for the students , I'm gonna make 100 coin's in different shapes and sizes if anyone find's one of them they will get that particular thing which is on the coin like a castell , crown etc , I will make broom sticks which can fly and give it to everyone and they will fly using broomstick's and technology will be needed , No one will have to use a mobile phone anymore as I will invent a technology that will do anything you want and will show anything you want Ill make 1 of those and use the double wable spell to make million's of that and give everyone that tech and make deceases vanish and never come to planet Earth again .

Thankyou Everyone For Reading my blog if you liked it then give this blog a like see you all in my next blog bye

 Name: Paavni K 

Grade: 4 Sec: B


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