Machine I Wish To Invent - SMIGBO


Machine I Wish To Invent - SMIGBO

Author : KRISHNA

Hello Readers !

Welcome to my blog.

Today I would like to speak about one of a very secret desire of mine. I always wanted to invent a gadget through which we can become small whenever we want or become huge like a giant. I would name it SMIGBO.

I always am very interested in military and the people who serve the nation with great dedication.

So, if I am selected in military when I grow, I can become a spy and reduce my size to an ant. This way I can spy on the people who want to harm our nation and I can get them imprisoned. Also, if needed, I can become like a huge giant when the opposite military force is too big, and with my single hand, I can wipe away the other army.

Also, I would like to distribute this gadget to each and every person serving army, military, airforce and navy so that everyone can become as powerful as me. I would keep the entire control to myself so that if needed I can remove the access from them in case they are not using it properly.

Our nation would become the strongest of all and noone can think of coming to a war . Our nation will become the most respected nation of all.

I cannot think advantages and disadvantages of this gadget but I would take help from all my elders and seniors. I will think the best way to create such a gadget.

Thank you for reading my blog!

Happy blogging...


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