My Ambition In Life

My Ambition In Life


Every child grows up wanting to be someone when he grows up. He sets his aim and work hard all his life to achieve it. Without an ambition life is purposeless. Ambition makes a person active and hard working. My aim in life is to become an engineer. It's my dream since childhood to study engineering and become an engineer. It is very true that years of hard work is required to become an engineer. Engineer is one of the few fields that let you earn good pay after only three years but right now, three years might sound like a long time, but it is worth a lot. Consider it one one of the best investments that you can make. Apart from, it's not all about the money. It is also an interesting work. In engineering, you will constantly find yourself in finding new ways to solve a problems if you truly want to be an engineer then all the challenges you will face will just make things more interesting. You have the powers i you hands to show the world what you can do.



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