My One Year Of Online Classes!!



Hey all, this is Manasvi here!!

Hope by now you would have got to know what i will be writing today. YES.... its about My experience regarding the online classes.
Exactly an year ago i got the taste of online class, it was just after the "Holi" festival holiday, we got to know that we will be starting with online classes.
The first online class was English class, i was all excited to see my teacher and friends through my mom's mobile, it seemed so interesting and this continued for a month by then it was announced that we will not be having our final exams too. After hearing this, I was a bit disappointed because i was all set to write my exams, but i had to compromise by just doing practice worksheets. Also it was more disappointing that we had to also cancel our summer vacation trip.

In the meantime, our school started the online classes and it was all about the new way of learning, i was all happy to take up the classes everyday and i was now allowed to use my mom's laptop. I was acting like an officer and i was allowed to use the zoom tools and i was excited to experiment all the available features to know how the online meeting works. This was a new beginning to the 4th grade!!

After two months, by August I was a little bored as i wasn't able to meet my school friends and teachers or i was allowed to go out for play or to my dance class. This made me realize that my school is now inside my mom's laptop and i was inside my room and my classroom was squeezed inside the laptop screen!! so as my dance classes too:(

After getting bored and irritated I slowly started changing my timetable to get adjusted to the online classes. I started following a routine as I was following during school going days, this helped to make sure that i attend class and finish homework only during the said time and gave me more time to play and learn new activities also I started spending more time with my parents which helped to understand the new way of adjusting to the online classes. Then again after two months i was told that i will not have my school reopening soon, after hearing I felt sad but I wasn't irritated as I had adapted a new lifestyle and also my school had introduced bind unwind classes so that it helped to connect with my friends and talk to my teachers a lot.

By beginning of year 2021, it was all sure that this academic year we will not be attending the school, I was real bored by then, but i was prepared to accept the challenge of taking online exams as my school had already trained me in giving online tests and exams. Finally from April 5 to till date(10 April) we had our final 4th grade exams and this was completely a new experience. I did feel bit bored to be sitting alone and taking up classes and also writing in front of the screen for exams. But i had no choice apart from this because staying away from corona is much required rather than being at school or going out for vacation.

Online classes thought me to be individual and it did teach me to be more attentive and active during the class also kind of fun using the laptop and zoom features. I do miss my school, classroom, teachers and friends. Hopefully grade 5 might be starting at school but this experience of 4 grade online classes will never go away from my memory and would like to remember only good things about the online classes.

This was my way of telling my online class experience, I guess even you will be having your experiences to share. If you would like to to write your experience then please let me know I would like to read your blog.

Thank you!!
No.Of.Words -- 675


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