The Lovely Peacocks

 Hello, readers!!! today I thought of telling you all a story. So, let's begin.

Once there lived a boy named Kairav, he was a nature lover. One day, he was passing from a peacock park, he loved the chirping of them. Once, with his luck, a peacock came to the end of the fence. Kairav had some sprouts with him, which were given by his mother. He had fed the peacock and it loved the taste of the sprouts. From that day, it became a habit for Kairav to feed the peacock when it came to the fence. The peacock understood the Kairav would come in the morning to feed it.

After, a few weeks, the peacock brought its friend with it. Kairav also fed it and its friend. They were happy. Day by day the peacocks brought their friends and Kairav would have to give his complete tiffin box. He used to tell his mother 'I need more sprouts. They are very tasty.' His mother used to think, 'Oh! great my son is becoming so healthy by eating these delicious sprouts.' His mother was clueless about him giving the sprouts to the peacocks.

Later, after a week, the watchman of the park came to know about Kairav feeding the peacocks. He went and spoke to him 'You are a very selfless boy who is giving the peacocks sprouts with love. The peacocks are given the sprouts but they don't eat them because they like to eat them with your hands but, children like you should eat healthy sprouts for becoming strong. I have an idea for that, it is that you can eat the sprouts outside and the parks sprouts will be given to you to feed the peacocks.' Kairav exclaims that it is a great idea.

The idea was a success and the peacocks and Kairav all of them ate the sprouts and became strong and healthy. After this, all the children use to give the sprouts to the peacocks. Then, once after this Kairav started to train the peacocks. When he would tell 'open your wings' the peacock use to open its wings. If he would tell 'close your wings' it would close its wings. When Kairav used to tell 'run' it would run and when Kairav used to tell 'stop' it would stop.

After a few weeks, there was PTM at Kairav's school. The day he was going in the car with his mother and father the peacocks were chirping and calling him. Kairav told 'Hi' to the peacocks. After they were chirping for a long time, Kairav told his parents to stop the car, his parents asked him 'Why should we stop the car.' He replied 'The peacocks are calling me I need to go and feed them. His mother was scared that why he wants to feed a peacock if it will bite him. Kairav asked his mother to give him sprouts, his mother replied 'There are no sprouts with me today.' Kairav then what else healthy do you have?. 'I have an apple replied his mother.' 'Then give it' said Kairav. He fed the apple to the peacock his mother, as well as his father, were scared. After he fed the apple his father asked 'What is the friendship between you and peacocks?. Do you know them from before?'. Kairav told I will explain everything after the PTM.

Later after, the PTM he told his parents to come into the 'Peacock Park' and sit under a tree. He started his show, by telling the peacock to run, to stop, to open its wings, and to close its wings. He also told his parents about the extra sprouts he used to ask to feed the peacocks. His parents understood his love for the peacocks and were amazed by his talent. After that day many, children used to keep healthy food in the park for the peacocks to eat. Everyone was happily connecting with nature its beauty.

This was all for today's blog, I hope you learnt the moral that, when we respect nature it respects us. Thank you and bye for now readers!!!.

A Ashritha
Grade 7C
Orchids International School Vivekananda


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