Water Conservation

 Water 💧 is a very essential for each and every living being. The Earth 🌎 is also called as a watery planet because it contains 70% of water and 30% of land on which we live on. But sources of fresh water is declining day by because of unnecessary wastage of water from industries which are released into clear rivers, lakes or ponds which turn them into hazardous chemicals for fishes and aquatic animals.

There are many ways to contribute to the nature by conserving water at your house. You can conserve water by installing a rain water harvesting system which you can use for your house. You can even plant saplings which grow up and attract rain 🌧 which fill dried up ponds, rivers and lakes. A big mistake which most of the people do is keeping on the tap while brushing, so everyone please turn off the tap while brushing which saves water too. Fix leaking taps which prevents dripping of water, this also saves water. If you want to save water then you can do it by turning on the washing machine and dishwasher only when there is a full load. You can even give a missed call to Talley for rivers run by Sadh guru which too is definitely a way to contribute to conserve water 💧.

Let us all work together with unity and conserve water for future generations with effort and make this world a better place. Well, that’s all for today see you next week with another interesting topic. Byeee!!!!



Grade 8C

Orchids International School Vivekananda


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