Albert Einstein

 Albert Einstein was born in Germany on 14th March,1879. Einstein was slow in learning how to speak . His parents even consulted a doctor. He did not really talk until he was four years old. In fact, his grandmother thought that he was stupid! His slow verbal development made him curious about ordinary things, such as space and time -- that most adults take for granted.

Einstein showed that he had a great mind for maths and science from a young age. When he was just five years old , his father bought him a compass. His curious mind immediately started trying to work out just why the needle always pointed north! At the age of ten, he set up a program of study for himself, reading extensively about science. In primary school, he was at the top of his class in math. By the age 12, his sister recalled , "he already had a predilection for solving complicated problems in applied arithmetic" , and he decided to see if he could jump ahead by learning geometry and algebra on his own. His parents bought him the textbooks in advance so that he could master them over summer vacation. Einstein said, "Before I was fifteen I had mastered differential and integral calculus".

In 1990, Einstein graduated from the prestigious polytechnic academy in the Swiss city of Zurich with a degree in maths and physics. The following year, Einstein gained Swiss citizen ship and ,he was awarded a PhD , by the university of Zurich in 1905.

Einstein probably remains most famous for his 'theory of relativity' and perhaps the most famous mathematical equation ever written, E=mc^2---which means Energy (e) equals mass (m) times the speed of light, squared (c^2). In 1921 , Einstein was awarded the Nobel prize for physics.

In 1993, Einstein moved to America. This was because it was very difficult to be a Jewish man living in Germany as Hitler and the Nazi party were very much against Jewish people. He accepted a position at the Institute of advanced study at Princeton university and took US citizenship.

Einstein died on April 18th, 1955.He was 76years old . After he died, scientists decided to study Einstein's brain. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the scientists found that, the two parts of Einstein's brain contained an unusually large number of non-neuronal cells --called glia - for every neuron or nerve transmitting cell in the brain.



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