How to create a music video or a YouTube video?


  • Still Images: Include the final images from your shoot in the actual video because this shows the end result and showcases your work.

  • Interesting Footage: The more footage the better. Include all aspects of the shoot including hair and makeup, wardrobe, gear, you at work, interacting with the models or subject. Its great to have a variety of clips from wide to close-up and make sure your editor chooses clips that have the most emotion. The worst thing you can do is show a video of your shoot that looks boring. The footage should communicate the story and showcase you as an artist. Also, the more footage that’s shot, the more you have to work with when editing the final video.

  • Graphics: Be sure and include your logo somewhere in the video.
  • Time-lapse: Time-lapse is a great tool and many of the Nikon cameras will do time-lapses right in the camera. Put a camera on a tripod before you start setting up the shoot and allow the camera to capture a time-lapse of the process. You can put the footage to music and make a great promo video out of just that. It also makes for interesting footage for your editor to add to the final video.
  • Music: Make sure to use licensed background music. There are sites that sell royalty-free music at affordable prices. The song you choose is important because it sets the tone of your video.

  • Voiceover/Audio: Recording audio isn’t going to make or break your video but it does add an extra dimension if you want to talk about your vision or interview your client on set.



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