From time immemorial we are reading books. Reading is a fantastic form of knowledge acquisition. It helps in better cognitive processing which uses multiple parts of our brain. It also helps us in doing imagination and helps in visuospatial processing. It stimulates the areas of the brain like the left occipital-temporal cortex which response to images of faces. Besides this, it also helps in the detailed picturization of the story whatever we read. But in this technological superiority era, many good books are converted to picture shows. Many cartoon stories have become series or movies. That is more appealing to the young generation. Motion pictures are more eye-catching and attract children more. That’s why nowadays children are locked to screens for long periods. WHAT IS A BETTER BOOK OR MOVIE

So how is reading books different from watching movies and how can we take advantage of the benefits of both? Reading books can give you many more details than watching a movie and also helps the brain function among other things. Watching movies is great for social life and a great form of entertainment among other things. Both are help in stress relief, growth in knowledge, and vocabulary.


The mental stimulation that occurs from reading a book is far-reaching. The reader learns words they have never learned. It increases vocabulary mental stimulation that occurs from reading a book is far-reaching. The reader learns words they have never learned. It increases vocabulary & stimulates memory area. Several studies say that reading books can prevent Alzheimer’s. It’s postulated that 15 pages of a book per day can prevent the progression of Alzheimer’s.

Reading can reduce stress. It relaxes muscles and takes us to a new imaginary world. Six minutes of reading can reduce stress levels by 68 percent.

Reading a good book is highly imaginative. It uses multiple areas of our brain. That prevents brain shrinkage.

Reading a good book at bedtime is a fantastic form of sleep hygiene.


Movies are highly furnished versions of the book. Still, it helps better viewing of the story. It stimulates the visuospatial area of the brain. But unfortunately, it increases screen time.

It can also release stress and makes us happy. Many times we feel difficult to complete a book in time. But the movie is a fixed time.


In 2013, a research team examined the effects of television on the brains of 276 children, along with the amount of time spent watching TV and its long-term effects. They found that the more TV the kids watched, parts of their brain associated with higher arousal, and aggression levels became thicker. The frontal lobe also thickened, which is known to lower verbal reasoning ability.

Another research was done on how reading a novel affected the brain based on fMRI readings. After reading a particular novel, the students had increased connectivity in parts of the brain that were related to language and the sensory-motor region of the brain, suggesting that readers experienced similar sensations to the characters in the book.

In my view reading, a story is better for our brain than watching it as a movie.





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