Indoor and Outdoor Games

 Hello Everyone! Today We will do a compare and contrast series. So today's exciting PLAYFUL topic is Indoor and Outdoor Games, which one?

So First have you heard of the Olympic games? Well, you might have seen there big stadiums in which Outdoor games like sprinting and indoor games occur. Now sports in the Olympics do happen outdoors but indoors is also carried out due to weather. So let's first talk about Indoor Games.

  • The first factor for any game is the weather. In the outdoors, you can't play certain games until the favorable weather is there. You can't play cricket on a rainy day and you can't fly a kite on a windless day whereas you can play indoor games in any weather as you will be playing indoors more often.
  • Indoor game setups can be purchased. Pool tables and table tennis setups can be found and put in your house as long as you have space. Yes, it can give you a hefty price but setting outdoor games is pretty difficult.
  • Indoor games help indoor people and people with skin diseases to still find a way to play and be healthy. People who don't like to go outdoors or have too much work inside to go out can play. Even people with diseases can play these games.

So now let's talk about outdoor games

  • Outdoor games give you a lot of exercise as they require you to sweat in the heat and require a lot of physical work. Whereas indoor games do give you exercise but don't give the feel and the sweat might not come indoors.
  • Outdoor games won't cost you much until you go for more professional gear.

Which one will you go for indoor or outdoor? I recommend both as they both have their pros and cons. Bye!





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