Hi everyone I am Harshika.K.N. from 'A' section and today I have a small story for you.

"Whenever my parents will go out every night, my big brother hated it because I would not go to bed! Whenever I went and disturbed him, he'd shout, he'd rant and rave "WILL YOU GO TO BED!", but I never went. But when I heard the sound of the door being opened with the door handle, I would go to my room and in my bed in a flash. A few months later, my mom and dad tried something new. Just before going out, they said to me "Right Taksh, I want you to go to your room and in your bed and I want you to STAY THERE!". I was like"okay, yeah, okay" and I went to my room waiting for the door to-SLAM!. I ran downstairs and into my brother's room and was seeing what is he doing. He was reading a book but normally he'd shout at me to go to bed, but this time he did not even notice me as if I was not there in the room at all! So what I did is I peeked at the edge of my brother's book and was peeking in the edge lines of the book. Whenever my brother would reach the end line of each page, then he would stare at my eyes for a moment and keep reading as if I am not in the room at all! He finally says that"Oh Taksh! You promised your mom that you will stay in bed, I will tell'em! I got angry and then started to make clicking sounds with the door handle of his room. He thinks"Right! I will be boring for him and chant an annoying word for him that will make him go to bed" He started to say go to bed, go to bed, go to bed, go to bed, go to bed. I kept clicking at the door and then I could not do it! The door was stuck! I said to my brother"Ummm bro? the door handle is stuck". He kept chanting go to bed, go to bed, go to bed, go to bed, go to bed. I was trembling and thinking"Oh no! now what if my parents come and see me here! He sat on the floor crying and thinking a lot of negative things his parents would do if he was found out outside the bed. I just not wished the door to-open! Oh no my parents have arrived! But on the other side, my brother was reading his book pleased! My mom went upstairs first to check if I was there but of course, I was not! Then suddenly I heard her coming downstairs and telling"Umm Taksh? where are you? Normally my parents would come to my brother's room first but this time it was second. After they came here and tried to open, it was stuck! My dad said"Oh man! This door is again jammed! I have to call Jimmy again!" and he went off with the phone to call him. Meanwhile, my mother was saying"Taksh is that you inside? You promised me that you will be in bed. This isn't fair son! And in a very shaky voice, I said"" Then I had an idea. With my full force, I pushed the door and surprisingly it opened! Without seeing my mom, I dashed upstairs in my room, on my bed, sleeping as nothing happened. After this incident, I never was awake after my parents went out"
So that is the end of my story+my blog
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Thank you, Hope you have a nice day


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