Wild life

 Forest is complete when there are many different creatures, animals, birds, plants ponds, rivers, etc in the forest. It gives life to many living beings. But it is their own duty to protect themselves from their enemies and to fill their tummy whenever required by putting their own energy.

We feel wild animals are dangerous as they are not domesticated. In olden days many people use to kill many animals and sell the bones, skin of the animal, for example they would sell the elephant tusks and would get money.

For human profit they killed many animals before but they did not think about the balancing of the environment which those wild animals did. The normal functioning of the biosphere depends on endless interaction among animals, plants and micro organisms.

All the living creatures that is their In the forest depend on the trees even we. If we are living on this is because of the that gives fresh air to breath, without that no not even one small living creatures also could survive on this earth.

Forests provides many many useful products for humans. Along with the efforts of the government, we people awareness and cooperation is very much needed, to conserve and protect these invaluable natural resources, all the animals, beautiful birds, etc of our country. Then only the efforts of the government be given a concrete direction and the conservation goals can be achieved. On International Tiger Day, 29 July, Tiger Reserve along with Rotary Club organized competitions in Nagpur. Such initiatives can be done to take responsibility towards wildlife among citizens. Wildlife is an integral part of our national heritage. We want our future generation to be able to ‘hear’ lions roar and not to just ‘see’ them in pictures or books. For that we must take steps today. Otherwise, it will be too late!.


Bindushree P

Grade- 10 State

Orchids International School, Sahakarnagar


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