
Showing posts from January, 2021
  What's Happening To The World's Most Popular Crop ?!? Hi! Hope your doing fine. Today we are going to talk about the one of the most important crops in the world. Let me ask you a question , what is the most popular crop in the world . We eat this for our breakfast , lunch and dinner. And over three billion people depend on it! It's RICE and it makes sense , because rice is not only healthy , it can last for years. And most importantly , it's affordable. Rice is also a big part of life , iits there from the start and till the end! In Bangladesh when a baby eats rice for the first time ,they have a celebration. In weddings, rice is thrown to represent success! In Vietnam and China a bowl of rice is placed on the coffins to go with the person when they die. But rice has a problem , not rice itself. But growing it , let me explain. The world is getting hotter so as the ground gets drier and drier more salt makes it harder for rice to grow. In just 30 years the
  My Trip To Lepakshi My family and I went to a mysterious place in Andra Pradesh called Lepakshi. It is a village located in Anantapur District, approximately 120 km north of Bengaluru. We traveled in a van, and it took us an hour and a half. When we completed our journey, It was spectacular and amazing. It was a great architecture and a marvel. The mysterious thing is in the middle of a temple, and there was a flying pillar. It was constructed from top to bottom. The temple was called the 'Veerabhadra temple' in Lepakshi. When we went into the temple, there was a huge shiva linga statue and huge plates graved on rocks. Outside the temple, far away, again, there was a huge Nandi directly pointing the Shiv Linga in the temple. If you climb up the Nandi and see between it's ears, you can see the Shiv Linga. Thetemple dated back to 1583 and was built by the brothers, Virupanna and Veeranna, who were initially in the Vijayanagar kings' service. However, Puranic lore has it
  Healthy And Tasty! Part 1 Hello Readers! Welcome to 'Healthy and Tasty', here I am going to be sharing delicious recipes which is healthy and tasty. So let's begin... You all must have already got to know that today we are going to use are Strawberries and Blueberries. Most of us like strawberries and we also know it's tasty but here we are going to make it even tastier. Enjoy! STRAWBERRIES 1) Dark Chocolate-dipped strawberries Materials required: Strawberries, dark chocolate To melt the Chocolate *Break the chocolate and put it in a bowl and place it in the oven for a minute or until it melts. *Let the chocolate cool for half a minute, wash the strawberries thoroughly, and then dip the strawberries into it and enjoy the delicious snack. 2) Strawberry milkshake Materials required: Strawberries, milk/fresh cream(it tastes better with fresh cream), sugar/jaggery, honey, cashew, and almonds. *Wash the Strawberries put them into the mixer *pour some milk or fresh cream *a

My Dream House Author : SAI SURYA SKANDA

  Home decor! What do you guys understand by this term? Doesn't it feel familiar to everyone? Ya everyone is very much familiar with this term and everyone implies it too. Designing a house is a very dominating job and passion. It seems fun to design a house according to our taste, doesn't it? Yes who does not like designing their houses! People like to design their house, that's the reason they spend a lot of money. People buy furnitures and machineries which go with their taste and comforts. Now a day there are many machineries for designing our house in a modern way like, dishwasher, robot vacuum cleaners, designer lamps, Alexa or Google voice control devices, steamers, air humidifier, air conditioners, air purifiers, projectors, induction stoves, digital clocks, modern water heaters, LCD writing tablets, wireless power banks, CCTV cameras, finger print sensing door locks, security systems, soundproof doors and windows, waterproof lights for the swimming pool, led roof l

Gym Park Author : VEDANT S

  A gym is a place where we exercise. It cures many health issues and keeps us fit. I like to go to the gym. It has treadmills, cross bars, swing and cycle and many more. I go to the gym park with my mother every day. The gym is very near to my house so I can walk there. Many people come to the gym to get some exercise. When I come to the gym I see that the whole gym park is crowded with people and the rides are also full but this will not happen if I come early. In the gym there is lot of space that we can exercise there and also I see something unusual, in the gym there is a type of a bed where we have to we have to get up without bending our body. That ride is called as a cross bar.I am to short to do that but once I grow up I can do it easily. My favourite ride is the tread mills because it is so much fun and two people can do that at a time. The tread mills keep the legs and hands fit. I even do the cross bars. If we do the cross bars we get taller and also it keeps the hands fit.

4E - Boat Airdopes

  Author : PARIKSHITH RAM G Hello everyone my name is Parikshith Ram.G As you can see I was telling you about the airdopes which are wireless earphones connected through Bluetooth. Which helpful for calls, listening to videos' or music so I wanted these airdopes so I told my father and one day I got to know that one if my relative has so we went to his house to see ow does it work and etc. So me and my father went to see it and my father liked it so the price of it one normal amazon it is exactly 1,299 one amazon prime it's 999 so my father 's means the one I was telling about and he has air dopes and he has amazon prime so my father told him to order those and after 3 days we got a call from our relative that the airdopes has arrived you can come and take them so from then it's been 3 days that I have got so until next time good bye No.Of.Words -- 171

4D - My Fantasy Story Of My Castle 1

  Author : MAYA C My fantasy story of my castle 1 Hello all I am Maya today I will tell you about {hearty} the kingdom which I created with cardboard. The first thing I will say is that it’s a story and do you like stories if you do let’s jump in the story. Once a longtime ago there was a kingdom called {hearty} cause the whole kingdom was covered with hearts, there were to people living in the kingdom. One princesses and a prince. They were living happily one day they thought of building a village then they started to build the village. As they watched it grow but they got to know that they needed people to run the village. Hope you liked the story and read {my fantasy story of my castle 2} too. if it was interesting be-sure to like it thank you bye!. please publish my blog. Thank you for reading Hope you liked it Stay home stay safe bye! No.Of.Words -- 156

Republic Day

  Republic Day Author : RUTVIK V NOORANDAMATH Republic day is a national festival of India which is celebrated every year on 26 th  January. On this day, the constitution of India was introduced in the year 1950. On this day all government and private offices of India are closed. The tricolor is hoisted at the school, college ,parliament building and the rest of the place and the national anthem is sung. Photographs are drawn on the India gate of Delhi. New Year be programs are organized everywhere. On this day India got the status of the republic. On this day, the president addresses the whole country from Red fort. On this day awards like veer chakra and Param chakra are distributed. This festival gives us the message of being in unity and inspires to keep the country proud. Thank you.


  MY ONLY FRIENDS DURING LOCKDWON Author : RIVA SREEDHAR During this corona pandemic most of the kids were feeling lonely being at home all the time, even I use to get bored. I always used to stand in the balcony and watch outside. I use to watch the birds, animals, clouds and that was the best time pass I had. One day I noticed a pair of pigeons sitting in the window of opposite building, I started watching their activities curiously everyday. Then I thought of doing friendship with them, so I started keeping food and water for them everyday. Initially they were scared of me but then slowly they started to come and sit near my balcony. I will be watching them from my window and I started communicating with them by making a noise like pigeon. Now they are too friendly to me. They come every day and call me by making noise. I immediately run near the window and start chatting with them. I keep food for them everyday. They are very cute and I named them Tinny and Minnie. They are my favo
  Success Is Gained By Hard Work And Not On Luck Author : UDIT H 9 B Success depends on perseverance and not on opportunity or luck. Success depends on hard work put by a person and not on his luck. He may gain success but it may be once or twice. He might not gain success throughout his life. His luck may support him once or twice but not throughout his lifetime. Success is gained by hard work. Success in human life is an ambiguous term. It is true that often a man of character fails to success. Hard work will be the first step towards success. The man tries his level best by hard working to gain success. Failure is the second step to success. A man learns his mistakes by failing and he will try not to repeat it again. Hence, failure is termed as second step to success. The hard work put up by a man will give success on or the other day in his life. Here is an example which proves success depends on perseverance and not on luck. Kamal was a poor boy living in a small village in the St


  Peacock is a bird that carries huge national importance in India. Most noteworthy, the bird is famous for its beautiful vibrant colors. The Peacock is popular for its spectacular beauty. It certainly has a hypnotic appearance. Watching it dance during the Monsoon season is a great pleasure experience. Its beautiful colors instantly bring comfort to the eyes. The Peacock has significant religious involvement in Indian traditions . Due to this, Peacock was declared as the National Bird of India. Peacocks are the males of the species. They have a stunningly beautiful appearance. Due to this, the bird gets a huge appreciation from around the World. Furthermore, their length from the tip of the beak to the end of the train is 195 to 225 cm. Also, their average weight is 5 kg. Most noteworthy, the head, neck, and breast of Peacock are of iridescent blue color. They also have patches of white around the eyes. Peacock has a crest of feathers on top of the head. The most remark

My visit to dentist

 Oral hygiene is very important. Dentist help us to take care of our teeth. We should visit a dentist regularly. I am not scared to visit my dentist. If we have a toothache we should immediately see a dentist. Dentist will do a check up and take a x-ray if required. Dentist chair is like an easy chair.It is well equipped with a bright light and a tray for tools required by dentist.Injection looks scary but my doctor gives it gently. I am not scared of injections. I also get a candy.Some kids cry to sit on the dentist chair and get a checkup. We should not be scared. If any cavities are there dentist will fill them.Its better not to eat too many sweets.we should brush our teeth twice a day.Flossing is also important.I will take care of my teeth by brushing properly and flossing. Oral hygiene is important. By Karuna Kiran Kumar Grade 5A Orchids International School Vivekananda

Republic Day

  Do you know the significance of Republic day? Well it is one of the most important day being an Indian. It is the day when constitution came into effect on January 26th , 1950. This is one of the most important Indian independence movement as India was under the rule of British for almost 200 years. This is was the day when India's constitution was finally approved and came into effect. There are so many constitutional rights included in it. We also have a national holiday all over India. On this day flag hoisting ceremonies and parades by Indian army are conducted .The prime minister of India first lays a wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyothi. It is celebrated every year with pride in every Indian's heart. It is the day when India attained Purna Swaraj which means complete independence. On this day Hindi was also declared as national language in India. They even shoot 21 gun shots in order to commemorate the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country. The military parade

School Exams

  In my school everyone was preparing for the exam which was soon starting. I also started preparing for the exams. We had many subject to read. I sat down in my room and started planning in order. The next day the exam dates were announced. Our exams will be starting from march 10 th  on wards. As it was our final exams of grade 10. Everyone was tensed about the question paper. I was well prepared for the exams but still we had 1 month to go for our exams so I again revised to be more confident. I got all the guides, textbooks for my exams. After one month my exams started and all the exams which we wrote was easy and the last day after writing our exams we all enjoyed for some time and moved to our home. My friends also wrote the exams well and after a month our results will be announced I am confident that I may get 1 st  place or 2 nd  place. As I felt the physics little tough and all other subjects were very good. Finally we got our results on May 3 rd . As I thought I was in seco
  The Funniest Penguins Penguins are often referred as cute and adorable creatures. But have you ever thought that their would be the adventurous penguins that are so funny they would make your tummy ache. Well, for all those adventure and comedy hungry people penguins of madagascar isn't a bad choice. Penguins of Madagascar is about a group of 4 penguins ready to explore the world that is beyond Antarctica, there natural home. They go through a lot and also defeat an octopus. This movie was released in 28 November 2014. The main characters are: 1.) Skipper : (Penguin) Leader of the penguin group. 2.) Kowalski : (Penguin) Smart and helps with research. 3.) Rico : (Penguin) Swallows objects that might be helpful. 4.) Private : (Penguin) Helps the team. 5.) King Julien : (Lemur) King of Lemurs 6.) Maurice : (Lemur) Minister to King Julien 7.) Mort : (Lemur) Sidekick to King Julien and Maurice 8.) North Wind : A team that protects the Artic and Antarctica regions. It starts with a fla
  MY WRITTENED STORY THE HALLOWEEN NIGHT!!!!! - Volume – 3 Introduction Hello dashing friends, I am Aarush, the author of the story books called mischievous 3. Even I am the main character in this story also. There are many characters including me. But there are three main characters. Aadhya- aadhya is my sister, she is the one who does the imaginary dreams and gives idea Father Rk (Ramakrishna) - my father is one of the character who, makes and prepares ideas in this series. Mother Vidya – My mother is one of the characters who advises, and teaches us in this series Siddhartha- one of my best friend. He is brave enough and strong. These are the three main characters including me. ******************************* When we were seeing Mr.Bean and the animated series!!!!!!!!! Once after the online classes had a long break. I and aadhya decided to watch Mr. Bean and his animated series. So, after seeing the videos of his we decided that why can’t we make some invention like him using some t
How To Make Veggie Pizza Hello all and welcome to my blog. Today I will be telling you how to make yummy veggie pizza. It is simple, delicious, healthy pizza with all your favorite toppings. All the veggies I love have freshly grown in my garden. Today in my pizza I will be adding tomatoes, corn, bell pepper, and onions. So first let's start by making the dough for the crust. You will be needing flour, yeast, oil, salt and water. To start with you need to add flour and oil into a bowl. Start mixing! Before adding in salt and water make sure that the flour in the bowl doesn't have any lumps that the oil might have created. Then add in salt, yeast and water. Make sure you don't add too much water. After you finish the dough it should not be too watery nor hard. Keep you dough aside while we prepare the toppings. The dough should rest for about 2 hours. For you toppings start by cutting all you fav veggies. Next pick out your favorite sauce, today we will be using red sauce. B


  Hi friends my name is Nikash Today I am taking about an adventure that really happened in my life. Once we decided to go on a adventure trip. Then my cousin came up with an idea of going to the Temple on the top of the Hill in my Village. we were eight members we thought to climb a hill that hill was twenty five thousand feet we started at morning 7:45 AM we went there in a car it took to go only fine minutes to reach down the hill there the was many dried branches and many thorns branches also and dried grass then suddenly we saw a single way with out branches and thorns branches and slowly we were going and going we were so thirsty drank lot of water but  the water was about to finish. so after one and a half an hour we reached a temple and that was only our destination there was written as the water will never end  if it ends we should break a coconut then again the water will flow then we got to know so only the water was not ending then we took more branches and two flint stones

HELLO 2021

Author : HAVAN 2020 was actually a blessing in disguise . Sure it slowed me down, it gave me anxiety that I think is still lingering until now. But still it gave me a tunnel vision of what’s important, who’s important and who are the people who really care about me and let go of those who are just a decoration in our life. Not being able to be physically with the people we love and care for is what hurt the most. But it was such a refreshing opportunity to turn down social interactions with other people. You have the best excuse not to be with people you don’t like. You don’t have to be forced in interactions with anyone. We all have that power to say no and choose who to keep on our side and who to let go. 2020 was the year of letting go of old habits that we thought will die hard. 2020 was also the year of discovery, self-discovery and finding our potentials. 2020 did not actually halted us. 2020 empowered us. We cannot pour from an empty cup. Before 2020 we were pouring out everythi