
Showing posts from April, 2021

4F - Ambitions

  Author : SHRADDHA G K My ambition is to become Engineering and to buy new house for my parents. Everyone has ambition. It may change anytime anywhere. Everyone have different ambition in life some want to be a dancer some singer. Everyone's ambition will not be success. There are so many success quotes of ambitions. So many people ambition are succeeded for ex-Sudha murthy, Dr B R Ambedkar,Swami vivekananda. My one more ambition is to travel all around the world. "The starting point of all achievement is desire".Ambition is so powerfull a passion that however high we reach we are never satisfied and this very dissatisfaction if moulded and proportioned in a proper way, enables the pursuer to attain new heights and to have love and respect from his fellow beings. Role models make us more inspiring and take us near the ambition. At last we came to an ending of my blog. Thank you! your lovingly Shraddha No.Of.Words -- 177

4E - My Ambition In My Life

  Author : JANVIKA REDDY In my life I want to become a doctor, to provide good medical service for the patients this profession is one of the best opportunities to serve for the people of my country. I’ll put all my efforts to become a doctor. AS a doctor if we save the life of patients, that’s the greatest service and they will treat us as god and will remind in their life completely. Doctor is the person who can work irrespective of region, religion. Doctors work at military too to serve for the injured soldiers, in wars doctors also participate to treat if any soldiers are injured. They will work round the clock to save the people from different diseases. In the pandemic also doctors are front line warriors, who put their life in risk and served for the people. Because of their sacrifices today we are enjoying the vaccine for covid 19. They are the people who dedicated their life for the society. In this world doctor is the only profession where they save life and they can give life

4D - If I Had A Magic Wand ?

  Author : PRIYAM DAS What If I Had A Magic Wand? Hi my dear friends, today I will share my experience that if I had a magic wand, then what I would do. If I had a magic wand, I could do anything I want in the world. First I shall give a name which will be "MAGICIAN", then I shall carry it to school and show it to my friends and I will magic with it. I will also levitate one of my friends and I will impress my friends. I will also help poor people, charity, etc orphanage by creating money with MAGICIAN and then donating that money. I will also create a lot of money with MAGICIAN and then do anything I want in the world. I will take my parents on a world trip. I shall also be a magician as a profession and show magics as much as I want. I can do anything I want with MAGICIAN. -Priyam Das Thanks for reading my blog !!!! No.Of.Words -- 153

3C - The Machine Which I Wish Invented

  Author : TANAV NAIK I wish i would invent a time machine  but it is not possible in real life  it is only possible  in cartoons and it is also proven by scientists. It is said that A wormhole will only work for time travel if its "mouth" can be held open for long enough that it allows something to travel through it. That requires something called negative energy, which doesn't really exist in the everyday world. But the dark energy that permeates the cosmos fits the bill - if we can figure out what it is, we might be able to prop open a wormhole long enough to go in one end and out the other. "We don't know whether we are able to make a wormhole, whether that's technically within our capabilities& But who knows what a future human civilization is going to be able to do," says Prof Davis. No.Of.Words --

My First Travel By Train

  My First Travel By Train Author : RIVA SREEDHAR It was last year summer vacation and we planned to go to Mumbai. We reached railway station by hiring a cab. The train was on time and we were lucky to get good seats. We board the train from Bangalore around 6:30pm. I got the window seat and I started observing the houses, trees, fields on either side seemed running in opposite directions. It halted in different stations and then different vendors came to our compartment to sell their things. We started talking to people who were traveling along with us and soon I found few friends too. Everyone was enjoying, some were playing cards, few were chatting and few were relaxing. I was very excited had great fun with my parents and my friends Finally when we reached our station, we got down. I was feeling sad to apart from my friends but it was a wonderful journey. Author - Riva Sreedhar Thank you for reading my blog

My Ambition In Life

My Ambition In Life Author : MOKSHIT REDDY D Engineer Every child grows up wanting to be someone when he grows up. He sets his aim and work hard all his life to achieve it. Without an ambition life is purposeless. Ambition makes a person active and hard working. My aim in life is to become an engineer. It's my dream since childhood to study engineering and become an engineer. It is very true that years of hard work is required to become an engineer. Engineer is one of the few fields that let you earn good pay after only three years but right now, three years might sound like a long time, but it is worth a lot. Consider it one one of the best investments that you can make. Apart from, it's not all about the money. It is also an interesting work. In engineering, you will constantly find yourself in finding new ways to solve a problems if you truly want to be an engineer then all the challenges you will face will just make things more interesting. You have the powers i you hands t

Asia's Largest Solar Power Plant In India

  Asia's Largest Solar Power Plant In India Author : PRADYUMNA M Rewa is small town in Madhya Pradesh. This town hads Asia's largest Solar Power Plant This is a single site Solar Power Plant. This Solar Power Plant is spread across 1600 hectares This will help to get clean energy which is good for our environment. Pradyumna M Grade 3F

Machine I Wish To Invent - SMIGBO

  Machine I Wish To Invent - SMIGBO Author : KRISHNA Hello Readers ! Welcome to my blog. Today I would like to speak about one of a very secret desire of mine. I always wanted to invent a gadget through which we can become small whenever we want or become huge like a giant. I would name it SMIGBO. I always am very interested in military and the people who serve the nation with great dedication. So, if I am selected in military when I grow, I can become a spy and reduce my size to an ant. This way I can spy on the people who want to harm our nation and I can get them imprisoned. Also, if needed, I can become like a huge giant when the opposite military force is too big, and with my single hand, I can wipe away the other army. Also, I would like to distribute this gadget to each and every person serving army, military, airforce and navy so that everyone can become as powerful as me. I would keep the entire control to myself so that if needed I can remove the access from them in case they

Compare and contrasts triantiwontigongolope

 Triantiwontigongolope is neither like spider nor fly, I will keep it a very good tile . Its face is funny , but it is not like a bunny . And run away from strang scolds , and look a bit bold . It loves weeds and wattle gum, But never eats bubble gum . It is just a little poem , describing Triantiwontigongolope. Its name is quite a hard one but you will learn it soon . if you see that first time you will feel scared but the next time it's not be there. It Different creature in the whole world. It purse and purse quite proudly if you call it by its name and offer at some sandwich and soap truthfully even I have not seen it but I wish that I can have a pet like that it will only be where purple leaves and trees and sky is bottle green it is just animated story. But it is a interesting creature I wish you would like this Ta  ta bye bye By SUHANI S Grade 5D Orchids the International school Vivekananda

The Machine I Wish To Invent Author : YUAAN PATEL

  I always had a fantasy. I too want to be an inventors like the other great inventers- Thomas Edison, A rchimedes  and Benjamin Franklin. I like cooking, so I thought of making a machine related to cooking. This machine will be the height of a normal refrigerator. It would have a built-in fridge, oven and a few drawers at the bottom. This machine would help us to make food easily. At the press of a button we can make whatever we want in 5 minutes! We just have to put the ingredients in the drawer at the bottom and type the name of the dish and click on the button GO. This machine will help us when we are very hungry and the food is not ready yet. And in fact by inventing this machine I can help my mother in cooking. I just have to give this machine to my mother and she can make food instantly and avoid doing all the hard work. This would be a gift for all the mothers. The name of my awesome invention would be InstaChef. My machine is helpful. Isn't it? I hope you like my blog. Tha

If I Had A Magic Wand Author : PAAVNI K

  Topic - If I Had a Magic Wand Hello everyone I'm Paavni K Today I'm Going to Write a Blog on If I Had a Magic Wand Let's Start First, I need to decide if having a magic wand that works is a blessing or a curse. ‘If I had a magic wand, I’d change the way the world sees people with disabilities.’ ‘ I would change bad houses into beautiful houses. I would give poor people money to buy new homes.’ ‘I would help people have access to clean water because many people who drink that contaminated water can get sick and have many diseases and sometimes, they can’t get to a doctor. I Will Stop Coronavirus And destroy it forever . I would like more libraries that are accessible for everyone so that we can all learn more about the real world. I'll use my magic wand again so that there will be more public schools for people who can't afford private school. A lot of people who have money problems rely on public schools for their children's education. With libraries and schoo

Which Pet Can I Keep - Triantwontigolope Or Skimbleshanks

  Do you want an insect or a cat as a pet? Let me think, I think all of you like pets which can play with you. I think you like a cat as a pet, but many of you will like insects. Don't think I am saying about the bee as your pet, but I am saying you about a insect named as Trianwontigolope. And the amazing cat named Skimbleshanks. So let's start. I like to keep Skimble as my pet because he is a perfect pet. Before I wake up Skimble will be there with a cup of tea. But the Triantwontigolope is not a early riser. I can play with Skimble when I am free. But I can't play with the insect. And mainly I like cats. I don't know whether the insect gets scared of me but I will get scared of it. Hope you will like my blog. I think you will keep Skimble as your as it is active cat. This is all the imagination of the poets. There no such cat which can work out and there is no such insect called Triantwontigolope. If it was there then the leaf and trees were purple in

My Ambition

  Author : DHYAN HARSHA Hello friends my name is Dhyan. I am going to write a blog on Ambition in my life. My ambition is to become a soldier. To become a soldier, it is not easy. fox example, not taking a gun and simply shooting. We need to do too much training . We have to responsible and follow the rules. Even me too. I want to be a soldier. When I am ready to fight , I will go to the country which is standing against me. There will be many belt bags. and when the gate is locked, I will place a time bomb . When it blasts, the wall will brake .when I enter the place, I will put grenades in all the rooms so that the house will blast out. when my mission is complete , the PM would make me famous. thankyou friends , publish my blog and give likes

My One Year Of Online Classes!!

  Author : MANASVI RAO Hey all, this is Manasvi here!! Hope by now you would have got to know what i will be writing today. YES.... its about My experience regarding the online classes. Exactly an year ago i got the taste of online class, it was just after the "Holi" festival holiday, we got to know that we will be starting with online classes. The first online class was English class, i was all excited to see my teacher and friends through my mom's mobile, it seemed so interesting and this continued for a month by then it was announced that we will not be having our final exams too. After hearing this, I was a bit disappointed because i was all set to write my exams, but i had to compromise by just doing practice worksheets. Also it was more disappointing that we had to also cancel our summer vacation trip. In the meantime, our school started the online classes and it was all about the new way of learning, i was all happy to take up the classes everyday and i was now all

My First AIR Travel

  Author : SAHASRA BHASKAR Hello friends my name is Sahasra. Today my topic is ' My First AIR Travel '. So let's start. My first air travel was to USA. It was so exciting. I had never seen a plane closely. Our Bangalore's International airport so big and beautiful. We entered the airport with the lot of luggage. After getting our luggage checked , we got our boarding passes and went near the gateway. It was fantastic entering the plane. We were welcomed by the air hostess and got seated in our respective seats. After all the passengers were seated there was an announcement for the plane to take off, and everybody were supposed to tighten their seat belts. Even pilots announced few things about the time and travel. Slowly the plane started moving. Me and my sister were very excited for the take off. We both were peeping through the windows and gradually the speed of the plane increased and the plane started flying. We could see the people, trees and vehicles like small t

My Vacation

  Author : KRITI A REDDY Hello everyone , Introduction :- Today my topic is " My Vacation " do you my vacations are up to start I am so happy and I am going to say where I will go and what and all I will do there . Body :- First I will go to my aunts house and enjoy eating cupcakes made by my sissy and next go to my another aunts house and enjoy there and again to my mothers native enjoy there and go to my fathers native from there to my uncle's house so this is my plan for corona pandemic vacation . If corona was not there I would go to Wonderla , fun world , snow city , Inovity film city and to the places where I said before . Conclusion :- So I hope all my friends enjoy there vacation and even I am going to enjoy it too . Happy Vacation Thank you No.Of.Words -- 239

My First Air Travel Author : OJAS MAVINKURVE

   Whenever I see an aero plane in the sky I am filled with a desire to fly I talk to my mother she spoke about it to my uncle who was kind enough to take to Bangalore airport for onward journey to Chennai his official head quarters. I thanked him profusely. We went to the Bangalore airport  the security checked us and  inspected our baggage`s and our Indi Go airways flight was scheduled to arrive at 11.40 A.M the flight was on time and I had a window seat I was so happy and waiting for take off I also examined spacious a airplane with luxurious seats they were royal , impressive with tab screen behind each seat the seat had safety belts the folder has instructions sheets of safety measures it has news paper and magazines I heard pilot introducing himself and crew members and wished us happy journey he also explained the whether conditions and temperature's at Bangalore and Chennai air hostess with smart blue dress told us about safety rules both in Hindi and English. Now the time


  Hello everyone today I am going to write a blog on "I was lost". So lets get started. Once we went for a walk in the evening in the forest. There was fresh air coming. It became dark and we couldn't see anything ,so my mother switched on the flashlight in her phone. We were seeing front and going. I did not know the root so I was holding my mothers hand. Then by mistake I left my mother’s hand and I went and dashed to a tree and was scared, I called my mother, but there was no response. I called my mother so many times loudly but there was no answer. I got so much scared that I was lost. I found a tree somewhere in the dark forest and sat under it and did not sleep after some time I fell asleep. Next morning I woke up and I went in search for my house in the forest. After a few hours, I was so tiered of walking so I rested under the shade of a tree. I was so hungry and thirsty. When I got up and started walking I luckily found a lake nearby and drank the water till I wa

The Two Siblings Who Were Lost In The Jungle

  Hey all! What would you do if you are lost in a jungle with your sibling and you suddenly get shrunk?? Of course, you all would ask your sister to help you and start screaming, isn't it true??? I'm going to tell you a story related to this situation, let's start. Once upon a time lived a family in the jungle. There were two siblings that is one brother and a sister in that family who had an adventurous life. One evening they thought of going inside the forest to see animals. As they planned they went and enjoyed till the sunset. They then were frightened cause there was no sunlight or they didn't carry a torch too. Suddenly the girl got shrunk, the boy got confused about where she went and so got more frightened. Then he saw a less lying down he took it and searched. Then he found his sister. Maybe he will take her in his pocket and go back home after the sunrises up and will take his parents to a magician to get her to the normal size!! Interesting?? The

I am a proud citizen of India

  I am proud to be Indian because of our country’s achievements in space and missile technology. India has launched a number of satellites in space for helping us in weather forecast, communications, medical research, and education. The missiles such as Agni, Prithvi strengthened our nation’s security and ensured a place in the elite group of the world’s powerful countries. Moreover, our scientists have lifted India’s pride by placing our Tri-colour on the moon and are now looking for landing in the planet Mars I am a citizen of the world because I am an Indian! I am proud to be an Indian because I am aware that it is a great privilege and an immense responsibility too. I am proud to be an Indian because I know what I represent. I am proud to be an Indian because I have the freedom to speak, write and protest against evil doings. We have the right to stand up and fight when we see human cruelty . India is a country where people respect elders. People of India live in pea

Two Frogs With The Same Problem

Two Frogs With The Same Problem Author : SURAJ JANARDHAN Hello everyone, my name is Suraj Janardhan , today my topic is { Two Frogs With The Same Problem ] Its a Short Story : Once, a group of frogs was roaming around the forest in search of water. Suddenly, two frogs in the group accidentally fell into a deep pit. The other frogs worried about their friends in the pit. Seeing how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that there was no way they could escape the deep pit and that there was no point in trying. They continued to constantly discourage them as the two frogs tried to jump out of the pit. But keep falling back. Soon, one of the two frogs started to believe the other frogs — that they’ll never be able to escape the pit and eventually died after giving up. The other frog keeps trying and eventually jumps so high that he escapes the pit. The other frogs were shocked at this and wondered how he did it. The difference was that the second frog was deaf and couldn’t hear the dis

I Saw A Monster

  I Saw A Monster Author : PRADYUMNA M Do you all like a monster I like a cute and small monster but not the large and ugly ones .I once saw an ugly monster and I will tell you about it. I had gone for a school trip with my teacher and friends to a forest to forest to study about the birds living. We had already set up our tents and had our food when the forest guide came and told us that we have to take a picture of our favorite bird we see in the forest. So we all went on a different path alone . When I was going I heard some sound in the bush I went and pocked there with a stick. Suddenly an ugly and a large monster came up and saw me. I ran from there but the monster was coming behind me. When I was running I saw my friends . She also saw the monster and we both ran together after sometime we saw more of are classmate and we decided to go to the forest guide. When we went and told her what had happened the forest guide started to laugh. Then she told did you see the hood of the mon

My Morning Routine ✨

  Hello everyone! :) Today I am here to tell about my morning routine. Hope it won't be boring! Stay tuned readers :D Every morning you start a new life. So leave the past and concentrate about your future. Morning, I woke up at 7 and clean my teeth. After that I drink 1 full bottle of water. This water helps to clean the toxins in the body and it also keeps body hydrated. After that I will go to my terrace and be under the sun rays for an hour by doing some fitness exercises. This procedure makes your body to fill with Vitamin D and fitness exercise makes you fit and healthy. Along with exercises I do meditation which keeps my mind concentrated and which also gives my mind freshness. Then, I come home drink 1 glass of milk. After that, I will bath. After that, I do pooja to god, this gives me peace to my mind. After sometime I eat my breakfast. After that, I sit for online classes till the afternoon. After that I do my homework . This is my morning routine. I wanted to share this

Mobile Use For Kids Author : DHANIKA B N

Hello Friends Myself Dhanika B.N from grade 3C Orchids the International Vivekananda School, so this is the Introduction of Mobile use for kids, so lets start writing the blog Mobile use for kids, so lets start - Mobile use for kids - Many children these days have their own mobile phones. Lets see what are advantages and disadvantages. In this high-tech fast world, undeniably, mobile phones became an inevitable part of everybody's life without any age limit. Although, it has lots of merits, in my point of view, the intense use of mobile phones among children may be discouraged because of its adverse impacts on them. To begin with, mobile phones have numerous benefits. Presently, it is not a simple device, which allows an easy connectivity between people. It is supporting a number of other programs such as calculators, alarm clocks, voice recorder and so on. these programs boost their academic performances, if they use it cleverly. For instance, alarm clocks in mobile phones are use

What If I Had A Magical Wand? Author : YUAAN PATEL

  Magical wands are a special type of stick with magical power. In the movie Harry Potter, Harry Potter had a magical wand. Once I had a dream of having a magical wand. The magical wand should have extra powers. So one day my wish came true! On my birthday there was something in a large rectangular box covered with a spectacular gift wrap. The gift was wrapped beautifully. The gift was supposed to be opened only on a  Monday! But thankfully today was a Monday! I opened the box after lunch. The box was shining. I couldn't look at it for 5 minutes! But after 5 minutes the shine decreased and I could see it. Then I carefully took out my gift and at first it was a bit heavy. But when I picked it up again and again I became used to it. The magical wand had a magical  crystal which gave the magical power to the wand. The wand had come with a watch from which I could control the wand with the watch. The watch even had some super powers. The super powers were awesome. And I could even put


  Author : SAHASRA BHASKAR Hello friends my name is Sahasra. Today my topic is ' If I had a MAGIC WAND.... ' . If I had a magic wand in my hand, what would have happened. Everyday we have been seeing this world where people are so selfish and that they don't care for others. They always want only their families to be happy, rich and successful. These people do not want to help others who are in need. If I had a magic wand I would change all these people to be good and make them help others who are in need. Then there would be no poverty, people would not starve for food, clothes and basic needs. Everyone in this world would be happy. I would be even removing all the diseases from this world. I will make all the people think good and do good. No hatred, no jealous, no bad thoughts, nothing bad should exist in this world.  I would even try to stop all kinds of pollutions on this earth. I would make the earth clean and green. I would let all animals leave happily and finally I


  Author : SADHANA SELVAKUMAR Hey friends, today i am going to tell about IF MONEY GROWS ON TREES. Friends i told you that i will get a interesting topic and i got it. If money grows on trees we will be so lucky because we will get a lot of money and we all will be rich in the world. But it will not happen. If it is possible i will buy many things i want to like PS 5, many toys, remote control helicopter and everything i wish for. If our parents need something for their work or something else if it so costly we can buy it if we have a money tree and in this world everyone m illionaires  and billionaires. But we should have a tree like that but nature is nature. What can we do for that. But if scientist create them we all will be rich sometime. i think it will happen. Now if we take all the money that grew on tree in like one hour it will grow again if scientists make them like that but do not worry we are going to future and everything is gonna develop and everything will be robot and